
It's an incredible honor to be featured on Megadeth official page! My images have been chosen to represent their latest performance at Gods

Elena Arzani Intervistata da Metal in Italy
Elena Arzani Intervistata da Metal in Italy
I've been interviewed by Silvia Autuori of the prestigious magazine "Metal in Italy".
Here the l

Anastacia // The Ultimate Collection Tour
Press Assignment
Photo Reportage featured on The Front Row Magazine - Full photo gallery and report, here the link: http://www.thefrontrow.

Gus G + Arthemis
Once again, I had the great opportunity of meeting one of the top guitarists of the world: Gus G, former guitarist of Mr "Prince of darkness

Dream Theater
Dream Theater, Teatro Arcimboldi, 19.3.2016 - Ph

Intervista ad Harry Waters in merito al film "The Wall" del padre Roger Waters.
(Scroll down for english version) A pochi giorni di distanza dalla prima del film “Roger Waters - The wall” ho avuto il grande piacere di...

Elena Arzani's Artworks at Scope Art Fair 2015 - Miami
My artworks are presently exhibited at Scope Art Fair 2015 Miami, within the Collective "The Beauty of humanity" at boot 27B, hosted by SEE|

David Bowie is...
A True Lenged! Il film ispirato alla mostra record (311.000 i visitatori) dedicata a David Bowie e conclusasi lo scorso Agosto 2014 al...

Take That
Take that Live2015 tour, has ended with an incredible final show in Milan last night. More details and a full photo gallery of the evening,

Gus G + Firewind & Kamelot
Gus G + Firewind & Kamelot at LiveClub, Trezzo d'Adda (MI) on 8th October 2015
Full photo gallery, and article on TuttoRock Magazine

Ligabue e 150.000 sogni di Rock'n Roll!
Ligabue e 150.000 sogni di Rock'n Roll!

Ligabue e 150.000 sogni di Rock’n Roll!
Ligabue - 25 anni - Campovolo - Reggio Emilia

Quadrophenia di Franc Roddam
"Quadrophenia fu l’ultimo vero lavoro degli Who. Lo considero un album epocale e per questo ho voluto portarlo nel nuovo millennio" -...